Hi Beautiful,
Just in case you needed a reminder today, you are strong!!
Some of you, maybe you know you are strong- and that's great, but I KNOW others of you that need this encouragement, and I have a word for you! And it's a word for myself too.
Many of you feel tired, worn out, weak...you need reviving. You need STRENGTH.
When you are exhausted from the day to day grind, when you are tired of being alone, when you fight with your spouse, when your job is wearing you down, when you've lost a loved one, when you don't have the money to pay the bills, when you can't catch a break, when you are tired of that chronic illness, when you get a bad report, you are STILL strong...
IF you stand on the ROCK.
There are many scriptures that refer to God being our rock and firm foundation, and a lot of them were written by David who was in distress. When he was feeling weak and stressed he encouraged himself .
2 Samuel 22:32 "For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God?"
Psalm 18:2 "The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer. My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."
Psalm 62:2 "He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken."
I know sometimes where I go wrong, and maybe you do too--is when I lean on OR STAND on my own understanding. Trying to figure out the why or the how or the when. Maybe you rely on your friends to lift you up. Or it could be the things you go to for that quick fix or pick me up-- food, alcohol, drugs, facebook, guys...I am sure you could identify what it is that you stand on when you don't feel strong. But I am here to remind you that all of those things are shaky and shifting ground--unreliable and will leave you feeling weaker.
When I was thinking about relying on all these sources for strength, I had this image of someone being swept off their feet in a river- fighting to find solid ground.
When you rely and stand on the Rock that is higher than you, the foundation is strong and you won't feel as though you are being swept away. This rock's name is Jesus- our hope, our salvation and our strength. This rock will sustain you. It's sturdy and firm and will leave you feeling more stable.
It's the hoping in Him, the encouraging yourself in Him, and the talking and praying to Him where you find your strength.
"He ALONE is my rock...I will never be shaken."
That's why I say you are strong...IN HIM! Remember today that the ROCK is your source of strength. Plug in to Him before anything else and begin to feel strength rise in you.
He alone is my ROCK…I will not be shaken